An inspirational production of Crazy For You...

Dear Ken,

Back in 2008 you wrote a letter to my school, or should I say our school, York Suburban High School. We were performing "Crazy For You" and I was playing the part of Lank; I was a sophomore. As I was packing for college I came across your letter, still in the frame that I put it in after Myrna gave me a copy. I have to tell you how monumental it was for me to get that letter from you. When I was a sophomore, sure I liked theatre but I really didn't develop a love for it yet. After we finished our production of "Crazy For You" I found out that theatre is something more than just an after school activity I found out theatre was my passion. Ever since "Crazy For You" I got involved with everything theatre that I could. As I sit here today I have 53 shows under my belt; when we did "Crazy For You" I had 3. I have been involved in every single aspect of theatre; when we did "Crazy For You" I had only ever been on-stage. I have won 5 awards, received 2 scholarships and countless recommendations; before "Crazy For You" I was a speck on the stage. I am proud to say that in the fall I will be attending Clarion University of PA dual majoring in Theatre (BFA Acting) and Secondary Social Studies Education. Also because of my scholarships I do not have to pay for college. Although I have been involved with a lot of productions "Crazy For You" is still my favorite production. Mr. Ludwig it is because of your show that I am where I am today and have a love for theatre. Thank you for writing that letter back in 2008.


Ken replies:

Dear Jesse,

What a wonderful letter. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Obviously, your terrific accomplishments are a result of your own hard work and passion, but I'm glad to hear that your experience working on Crazy For You was so meaningful. I'm very touched that you saved my letter from 2008.

And congratulations on your awards and scholarships! I wish you all the very best as you begin your life at Clarion. Please keep me posted on your work. It was so kind of you to write.

Warm regards,

QuestionsKen Ludwig